Wednesday, 8 August 2012

How many squares can you see?

Miss Mills found many can you find? Comment with your name the number you found. You may have to justify your findings!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wow Week - Science

In Week 6 of Term 2 we had our first ever Wow Week! It was really exciting. The focus for the week was water related as we had just finished the Wai Water Wai unit. We learnt about the different things water can do. Over the week, we did lots of experiments. We had to make predictions about what we thought would happen, then we carried out the experiment and finally we evaluated it to reflect on the learning. Here is a video which shows what we did throughout Wow Week.

Marae Visit

As an introduction to our Matariki Unit, we visited Waikare Marae. We had an awesome day where we learnt more about the haka. We also learnt how to use rakau sticks and poi. We got to play some fun games too.  We were in the second group that went to the marae so the first group got to welcome us on. It was pretty cool to see them being a part of the marae. We also know that we now belong to Waikare Marae.

Here is a video of the group that Miss Mills was with for the day which shows us demonstrating what we learnt.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Hands on Homework Week 3-4

Make a maths board game that you can teach to 2-4 children at school, and even me. Be creative with what you make.
The best board game will win $500 class money!

Take some photos of you making the board game and either email them to me or bring them in printed or on a memory stick.

I can't wait to play some of the games you make!

Monday, 30 April 2012

Sugary Drinks

We were really surprised this morning when Jen came in and did a 'Sugary Drinks' session with our class. We didn't know how much sugar was contained in some of the drinks that we sometimes drink. Some of the drinks also contained caffeine which can cause your heart to speed up.

Some of the things we found out were:

In an 800ml bottle of e2 there are 20 tsp of sugar.

In a 600ml bottle of coke there are 16 tsp of sugar.

In a 750ml bottle of Powerade there are 14 tsp sugar.

In a can of Mother there are 13 tsp of sugar.

In a can of fizzy drink there are 10 tsp of sugar.

In a 250ml can of V there are 7 tsp of sugar.

In a 750ml flavoured water there are 5 tsp of sugar.

In juice sachets there are 4 tsp of sugar per glass.

In trim milk there are 2 tsp of natural sugar but it is still a good drink because it contains calcium.

In water there are ZERO tsp of sugar.

Therefore our best options to drink are water or milk!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Hands on Homework Term 2 Week 1-2

ANZAC Day is a day of remembrance in both New Zealand and Australia that is celebrated on the 25th of April each year to honour the soldiers who fought at Galipolli in the war.

 Make something symbolic to ANZAC Day. You could bake some Anzac Biscuits, make a poppy or anything else of your choice as long as it symbolises ANZAC Day.

Remember to take some photos of you baking or making and bring them in to school. Also, you make like to bring in the end product of something you make to display in the classroom.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Hands on Homework - Week 8

Plan and prepare a meal for your family. Bring your plan to school along with some photos of the end product when you are finished. You can choose whether you just do a main course or whether you make a yummy pudding too! I bet your mums will feel relieved for the night ;) Enjoy!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Hands on Homework - Week 6

I am a bit behind with posting this, however Hands on Homework this week is to create a class logo. Think about everything you have learnt in the We C.A.R.E unit and incorporate it somehow into your class logo. Remember when you are doing this type of activity that what you are putting on your logo needs to be relevant to Room 11 at T.K.P!
Be creative and have fun!
Please note: As I am late posting this, it doesn't need to be to me until next Wednesday :)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

School Events

In week 4, we had our Interschool Swimming Sports with Waerenga at T.K College. This included all of the 9 and 10 year olds. We were really nervous when we got there but we were proud of ourselves when we took part in our races. The strokes that we entered in were freestlye, breaststroke and backstroke. We also had a freestyle relay against Waerenga at the end, we tried our best and defeated them!

Last week we had our school triathlon. We could either be an individual or be in a team. Jen came in and took a Bikewise session to check our bikes over and our helmets. We did a practise course on our bikes to gain confidence for conquering the triathlon. In that course, we had to go over bumps, see saws, ramps and go through roundabouts. For the triathlon, we were put in our age groups and had different amounts of laps to do within our groups. When we had finished, we were exhausted but felt so relieved that we completed it!

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Hands on Homework - Week 5

Well done to all of you who have been out and walked or biked your Run My Route! The photos and the talking about the places you went and what you saw have been amazing. I have also seen a few puzzles people have done and taken photos of.
Below is Hunter's globe puzzle, well done Hunter, that would have taken some time to make!

Hands on Homework for week 5 is to make cup cakes. Remember to discuss the measurements with your family as you are making them! I look forward to seeing all the different flavours. Also, remember to take photos of you making them and the end product. Happy baking!